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Calm and Confident : FREE! A creative approach to mastering stress management
Introduction - start here!
2. Setting up your learning environment (3:20)
3. How to engage in the creative process of this course (2:11)
The Worksheet Pack
Day 1, Lesson 1. - Creating a Secure Base.
1. Grounding 1 (4:12)
2. Psycho Ed 1 - The Secure Base (5:09)
3. Art Process 1 Introduction (5:57)
4. Guided meditation 1 (21:22)
5. Art Process 1 (12:58)
Day 2, Lesson 1a - Setting a sense of internal safety
Lesson 1a - Experiencing a sense of internal safety (26:19)
Day 3. Lesson 2: The Top Down, Bottom Up Approach.
1. Grounding 2 (5:50)
2. Psycho Ed : Lesson 2 - The Top Down, Bottom Up approach. (10:54)
3. Art Process 2 Intro : Embodied and Diagrammatic approaches (7:08)
4. Guided Meditation 2 (17:04)
5. Art Process 2. (11:00)
Day 4: Lesson 2a - The Rational and Emotional Mind.
Lesson 2a - Embedding your awareness of the rational and emotional mind (27:20)
Day 5: Lesson 3 - The Integrated Mind.
1. Grounding 3 (4:58)
2. Psycho Ed : Lesson 3 - The Integrated Mind (6:55)
3. Art Process 3 Introduction - Expressing the Integrated Mind. (5:37)
4. Guided Meditation 3. (17:08)
5. Art Process 3. (12:44)
Day 6: Lesson 3a. Consolidating The Integrated Mind.
Lesson 3a - Consolidating the Integrated Mind (29:16)
1. Grounding 3
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